ICO Project – Duran & Reynals Hospital


As described by the Royal Academy, cancer (the omnipresent protagonist of the hospital’s activity) has as its pattern the lack of control, the garden we are considering is based on the opposite, on order. A way of contributing to the tranquillity of those who are there and those who visit it.

The objective of the project

The aim of the project is multiple:

To help integrate the new block into the hospital as a whole, in visual terms.
To reduce the visual weight of this new building, which is currently dominated by continuous walls without many openings to lighten or dynamise them.
Not building a garden per se, but landscaping a building and therefore adapting the forms and materials to these objectives.

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Description of the proposal


Bearing in mind that the garden will be located at one end of the hospital premises, if we want it to have a certain prominence, we need to plan it with a certain desire for notoriety:

-In the form: tidy does not have to mean boring.

-In the floors: they have to offer themselves as the main protagonists.

-In seasonality: the selection of plants must allow us to go slightly beyond the seasonality that nature dictates.


This project is not about floral art where the best moment is the moment of its elaboration, and the flowers and everything that accompanies them is in optimal conditions.

It is a living project, where the plants acclimatise, progress, and take their rightful place in the whole. It is a dynamic installation, which can be enjoyed repeatedly.

Three different types of gardening have been installed and planned:


Planting of cupressus sempervirens 3-3.5 metres high.

Construction of wooden planter supported to the ground.


Installation of vertical textile garden with density of 36 units/m² with continuous perimeter trims and connection to drainage and drainage. installation of irrigation system for planters.

Construction of suspended wooden planter.


Installation of a galvanised steel cable fixing trellis to support climbing plants.

Planting of a variety of climbers and shrubs for wall climbing.

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